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Chapter 1 Co-Constructive Storying of Our Journey toward Autonomy







Chika Hayashi

Chika Hayashi is a lecturer at Dokkyo University in Japan. She holds a PhD from the School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK. Her research interests include autonomy, motivation, teacher development, and cultural influences on classroom language learning. Her publications include “Weaving threads of autonomy: The challenge for personal pedagogic change” (2013, Chapter 2 in Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practice, IATEFL) and “SRA kyouzai wo mochiita kirokuhyou zukuri: Gakushusha no kiroku deta karano bunseki [A form for rapid reading using SRA Reading Laboratory: An analysis on learners’ commentaries]” (2013, JACET-KANTO Journal, No.9).


林千賀(はやし・ちか)獨協大学法学部専任講師(全学共通カリキュラム外国語科目群英語部門)。ノッティンガム大学大学院教育学専攻博士課程修了。オートノミー、モチベーション、教員教育、文化の学習環境への影響を主な研究テーマとしている。主要著書に“Weaving threads of autonomy: The challenge for personal pedagogic change” (Autonomy in Language Learning: Stories of Practice, 第2章, IATEFL, 2013, pp. 23-31)、論文に 「SRA教材を用いた記録表作り-学習者の記録データからの分析」(『JACET関東支部学会 誌』 第9号、2013、pp. 72-81) などがある。

Guy Modica

Professor Guy Modica teaches in Tokyo at Seikei University, Faculty of Humanities. In addition to supervising graduate school and college senior theses, he has taught methods and teacher certification courses as well as many content courses in his primary research areas, which range across second language acquisition and education. These areas include methods of scaffolding learner autonomy, collaborative power-sharing in the self-control classroom, and the critical role of improvisation in teaching. Guy has taught and published for over 30 years, mostly in Japan. Free time activities include enjoying home recording studio projects and exploring good food and the great outdoors.


Guy Modica(ガイ・モディカ)成蹊大学文学部教授。大学院および大学の卒業論文の指導に加え、主な研究分野である第二言語習得と教育学などの専門性の高いコースも多く指導している。専門分野には足場(scaffolding)を用いた自律的学習法、自己制御型クラスでの協力的な権限の共有、授業技術における即興の重要な役割等が含まれる。そして、日本を中心に教育および出版活動に30年以上携わっている。また、余暇には自宅で音楽制作やグルメ、アウトドアを楽しんでいる。


坂野由紀子(ばんの・ゆきこ)成蹊大学法学部教授。近現代の英詩を対象に、韻文とメディアとの関係を研究している。訳書に『ああ、なんて素晴らしい!』(ショーン・ウィルシー著、新潮社、2009)、論文に「北村透谷と英語との出会い--新しい言説の創造へ--」(『異言語と出会う、 異文化と出会う』成蹊大学文学部学会編、風間書房、2011、pp.127-164 )などがある。


Yukiko Banno

Yukiko Banno is Professor at Seikei University in Tokyo, Japan. As a scholar of British and American poetry, she is interested in how Japanese students in the 19th century were introduced to British literary works in class. Her publications include “Kitamura Tokoku to eigo to no deai [Kitamura Tokoku’s Encounter with the English Language] (2011, a chapter in Igengo to deau, Ibunka to deau [Encountering Different Languages, Different Cultures] edited by Seikei University Humanities Department). Yukiko has also translated books including Oh the Glory of It All by Sean Wilsey (Japanese translation published in 2009).



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